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Art & design exhibitions, events & news

Stay up-to-date with what’s new and upcoming in the world of art – from exhibitions, events, festivals and visits, to gallery and museum news from around the globe. You’ll find some exciting updates below. 

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What's new & upcoming?


EXHIBITION: The World of Tim Burton
VENUE: The Design Museum 
DATES: From 25 October 2024 to 21 April 2025

Delve into the fantastical world of Tim Burton in this major exhibition exploring his remarkable creations and key collaborations with designers. 

This major exhibition will invite visitors into his world through an exploration of the design of his unique aesthetic. While most well-known for his cinematic work, this show will display the full extent of his production as an illustrator, painter, photographer and author, as well as exploring key collaborations with designers. As a multi-disciplinary artist, his creations extend beyond the limits of mediums and formats.

Drawn from Tim Burton’s personal archive and representing the artist’s creative output from childhood to the present day, this collection of drawings, paintings, photographs, sketchbooks, moving-image works, sculptural installations, set and costume design focuses on the recurrent visual themes and motifs found in the distinctive characters and worlds found in Burton’s art and film.


EXHIBITION: National Gallery turns 200
VENUE: The National Gallery
DATES: Until May 2025

As the National Gallery turns 200, keep an eye out for collaborations across the country. From limited edition coins, show gardens at RHS Chelsea Flower Show and an episode of Songs of Praise filmed at the Gallery, there's plenty of ways to join in the celebrations. For the whole year, they are going to celebrate the past and look forward to the future with a year-long festival of art, creativity and imagination which sets the tone for the third century.   

EXHIBITION: Anthony McCall Solid Light
VENUE: The Tate Modern
DATES: Untill April 2025

Step inside sculptures of light.

Beams of light projected through a thin mist create large three-dimensional forms in space, which slowly shift and change. As you move through these translucent sculptures of light, you’ll create new shapes and discover your own mesmerising perspectives.

Occupying a space between sculpture, cinema, drawing, and performance, McCall is known for his innovative installations of light. In 1973, his seminal work Line Describing a Cone redefined the possibilities of sculpture


EXHIBITION: Pablo Picasso
VENUE: The Tate Modern
DATES: From September 2025 - Spring 2026

For Picasso, The Three Dancers marked a radical break away from his serene, classical phase and the beginning of a new period of emotional violence and expressionist distortion. It sits at a crossroads between madness, philosophy and the avant-garde: a place where identity is disrupted and the body itself is at stake. Tate Modern’s exhibition tells the story of this landmark painting through a selection of key works from across Picasso’s career, exploring themes of sex, death, and the politics of dance.


EXHIBITION: JMW Turner & John Constable
VENUE: The Tate Britain
DATES: From November 2025 - 12 April 2026

Marking 250 years since their births, this landmark exhibition explores Turner and Constable's intertwined lives and legacies. Discover unexpected sides to both artists alongside intimate insights seen through sketchbooks and personal items. Must-see artworks include Turner’s powerful and dynamic later paintings, which shocked the art critics of his day and went on to inspire Claude Monet, and Constable's expressive cloud sketches capturing the changing light of an English sky.


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EXHIBITION: Bees a story of survival
VENUE: World Museum
DATES: 4th May 2024 to 5th May 2025

Using sculptural sound and light environments, the exhibition provides visitors with a real-time connection to bees within their natural habitat, revealing and expressing an ever changing picture of their activity.

Journey with us into their universe, from the tiny and fascinating anatomy of a single bee to the magic and wonder of bee colonies, the role bees play in the environment and the threats they face.

Bees are facing extinction. With more than 20,000 known species, they are vital to our way of life and essential to the planet’s survival.

Could the decline in bees be a reflection of the impending destruction of our natural world? Join us on an emotional and thought-provoking voyage of discovery, reminding us all that the time for action is now.



EXHIBITION: The MET at the Louvre
VENUE:  The Louvre
DATES: Until 28th September 2025

The Louvre and The Met have created a unique dialogue between these two collections, which is displayed in the Louvre's permanent galleries. These 'special guest' artworks from The Met, dating from between the late 4th millennium BC and the 5th century AD, show some remarkable connections with the Louvre's collection. In some cases, a pair of objects has been reunited for the first time, while in others, pieces complement each other by virtue of specific historical features of their respective collections. Representing Central Asia, Syria, Iran and Mesopotamia, this dialogue between collections is (re)introducing visitors to these extraordinary, age-old works of art and the stories they tell.


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EXHIBITION: Poetic Intention
VENUE: Museu d'Art Contemporani
DATES: Until 21st July 2025

Taking its title from Glissant’s book, Poetic Intention can be understood as an exercise in breaking free from the institutional framework, offering a space for reflection and critique in which ‘art’, both as concept and experience, is presented as a generative and emancipatory force. This new approach to the Collection features, in large part, works acquired in recent years, setting them in new relationships with the existing Collection, but it also includes works that are entering the Museum for the first time, making its history and context more permeable and open.

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EXHIBITION: Sticky Fingers - Counterfeit Coins The Dark Side of Numismatics
VENUE: Bode Museum
DATES: Until 21st September 2025

The main focus of this exhibition is the practice of counterfeiting of coins. Counterfeit coins are usually the result of private endeavour, but they are also sometimes manufactured by state institutions. In times when coins were the only method of payment, counterfeiting presented a serious problem, one which ­– at worst – could lead to a destabilisation of the economy. The question of whether Frederick the Great was a counterfeiter and where exactly the border between voided currency and counterfeit lies are among the topics tackled by this exhibition.


EXHIBITION: Extreme Tension. Art between Politics and Society
VENUE: Neue Nationalgalerie
DATES: Until 28th September 2025

Holocaust and war, upheaval and emancipation, Cold War and the fall of the Berlin Wall all led not only to tensions within society, but also to a fundamental realignment in visual art. The Neue Nationalgalerie will take as its point of departure the radical performance Zerreißprobe (Stress Test, 1970) by Günter Brus, who was a co-founder of the Vienna Actionism and used this performance to push his own body to the limit. The exhibition will address central artistic and social themes of the twentieth century in 14 sections, including realism and abstraction, politics and society, the everyday and Pop, feminism, identity, and nature and ecology.


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EXHIBITION: The permanent collection: Van Gogh's masterpieces
VENUE: Van Gogh Museum
DATES: Ongoing

View Vincent van Gogh's masterpieces in the museum and immerse yourself in his development as an artist. Step into Van Gogh's world and discover the ideas and ambitions behind his art. In the permanent collection you can see Vincent van Gogh's famous masterpieces, such as Sunflowers , Almond Blossom and The Potato Eaters , as well as his drawings and letters. You discover the ideas and ambitions behind his art.

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To be announced.

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EXHIBITION: Marina Apollonio: Beyond the Circle
VENUE: Peggy Guggenheim Collection
DATES: 12 October 2024 3 March 2025

The exhibition traces the artist's career up to the present, highlighting her rigorous visual research, expressed through multiple variations and elegant execution. Encompassing painting, sculpture, drawings, as well as static, moving, and environmental works, her research involves experimenting with black and white, as well as chromatic investigations, and exploring a variety of materials and techniques.


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New York

EXHIBITION: The African Origin of Civilization
DATES: Ongoing

This exhibition pays homage to Diop by presenting masterpieces from the Museum's collections from west and central Africa alongside art from ancient Egypt for the first time in The Met's history. Through twenty-one pairings of works from different African cultures and eras, this exhibition provides a rare opportunity to appreciate the extraordinary creativity of the continent across five millenia, revealing unpexpected parallels and contrasts. Although there was no contact between their creators, the works share deep and underrecognised histories. 


EXHIBITION: The Facade Commission: Jeffrey Gibson
DATES: September 2025 - May 2026

Gibson’s project for The Met’s Fifth Avenue facade will be the sixth in a series of commissions for the historic exterior. The artist’s new works for the niches will draw upon his longstanding and highly developed iconography, one built upon a dynamic visual language that fuses Indigenous identity and imagery with abstraction, patterning, materiality, and text. 

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