History School Trip Ideas

Planning a history school trip can be a daunting task. But with the right destinations and expert guidance, you can make history come alive for your students in ways that textbooks simply can’t. 

Here at NST, we firmly believe that school trips have the power to strengthen friendships, boost confidence, and create cherished memories that last a lifetime. Trusted by schools nationwide, we have been providing unforgettable educational experiences for over 50 years, with a diverse range of history trips and tours across the UK, Europe, and beyond.

Whether you're exploring ancient ruins, significant war sites, or the heart of major cities that shaped the world, our guide to the finest history trip ideas is here to help you plan the ideal curriculum-focused school excursion. We'll be by your side every step of the way, from aiding with risk assessments to offering 24/7 support throughout your trip. By the end, your students will have gained a deeper understanding of key historical events, places, and figures that have shaped our world.

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Discover our history trip ideas

History school trip ideas in London

London, the vibrant capital of the United Kingdom, boasts numerous historical landmarks, galleries, and museums waiting to be explored by your students. Spanning from ancient Roman times to the present day, this iconic city has undergone significant transformations, and we can customise your itinerary to align perfectly with your latest curriculum modules.

Key historical sites in London:

  • The Tower of London: Discover ancient stories of royalty, imprisonment, and even ghostly apparitions within this iconic fortress.
  • The British Museum: Home to over 8 million works, the museum’s vast collection spans human history, art, and culture.
  • Westminster Abbey: An architectural marvel and the site of royal coronations, weddings, and burials throughout centuries of British history.
  • The Houses of Parliament and Big Ben: Witness the heart of British political affairs and the iconic clock tower on a school history trip. 

Find out more about our London history trips. 

History school trip ideas in Berlin 

Berlin is a city that has been at the centre of many pivotal events in modern history. From the rise of the Third Reich and its impact on World War II to the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989, it offers an immersive experience for students interested in understanding 20th-century European history. So, if you are stuck for history trip ideas, look no further than Berlin! 

Here's what you can't miss:

  • The Berlin Wall and East Side Gallery: Explore the remnants of the wall that divided the city for 28 years and view art murals that symbolize freedom and unity.
  • The Holocaust Memorial: Consisting of 2,711 concrete slabs of varying heights, the memorial is designed to evoke a sense of disorientation and isolation.
  • The Brandenburg Gate: A symbol of peace, this iconic structure has witnessed many of Berlin’s historical moments.
  • Checkpoint Charlie: Learn about the Cold War and the divide between East and West Berlin through various artefacts and photographs. 

Find out more about our Germany 1918 to 1945 and Cold War trips to Berlin

History school trip ideas in New York

Often referred to as the "Big Apple," New York is a melting pot of cultures and histories. On school history trips, students have the unique opportunity to delve into pivotal moments such as the Civil Rights movement and the waves of immigration that have shaped the city's unique identity.

Take a look at these historic attractions:

  • Ellis Island and the Statue of Liberty: Discover the stories of millions of immigrants who passed through Ellis Island in search of a new life.
  • The 9/11 Memorial and Museum: A poignant site that commemorates the lives lost and explores the impact of the September 11 attacks.
  • The American Museum of Natural History: Explore exhibits that cover everything from dinosaur fossils to space exploration.
  • Historic Neighborhoods: Walk through areas like Harlem, Greenwich Village, and the Financial District to learn about their unique contributions to history.

Find out more about our New York history trips.

History school trip ideas in Krakow 

Krakow is a remarkable destination for history enthusiasts. With its medieval architecture and poignant World War II sites, the city presents an opportunity to study the history of Jewish communities in central Europe during the 20th century, exploring themes of discrimination, resilience, and cultural heritage.

Top history trip destinations include:

  • Wawel Castle: Explore the royal castle that has been a residence of Polish kings for centuries.
  • Auschwitz-Birkenau Memorial and Museum: A powerful and educational visit to the largest of the Nazi concentration and extermination camps.
  • The Wieliczka Salt Mine: Discover the history of this UNESCO World Heritage site with its underground chapels and salt sculptures.
  • Kazimierz (Jewish Quarter): Learn about the rich Jewish history and heritage of Krakow.

Find out more about our Krakow history trips.

History school trip ideas in Rome 

If you’re thinking of ancient history field trip ideas for your students, Rome is the ideal destination. Students can literally walk in the footsteps of emperors and gladiators in the majestic Colosseum, or explore iconic landmarks like the Vatican City for a deeper understanding of the city’s artistic, cultural, and political achievements. 

Top history trip destinations include:

  • The Colosseum: Imagine the gladiatorial contests and public spectacles that took place in this iconic amphitheatre.
  • The Roman Forum: Explore the heart of ancient Rome’s political, commercial, and judicial life with ruins of temples, basilicas, and public spaces where leaders debated, conducted business, and shaped history.
  • The Vatican Museums and St. Peter’s Basilica: Marvel at Michelangelo's Sistine Chapel, explore works by Raphael and Leonardo da Vinci, and learn about religious art and architecture in St. Peter’s Basilica.

Find out more about our Rome history trips.

Plan your next history school trip with NST! 

Selecting the perfect destination for a history school trip can greatly enhance students' appreciation and knowledge of the subject. We hope this guide has been helpful and sparks inspiration for your next educational adventure. 

Whether you have specific questions or need help with planning, we are more than happy to assist. Request a quote today, and we'll ensure your trip is seamless and memorable.